Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Trees, Linked lists!

    I hope you all had a good week considering all the midterms! So As I talked about recursion in the  last SLOG entry, I thought I talk about trees a little bit.
    To be honest I feel kind of bad that I have a two hour lecture day each week instead of two one hour lectures. It's just harder to keep up with the lap handouts since we get the info of each weeks material one/two day before each lab and in a cold winter's night at MS3150! So I decided to do a little digging myself and find out more about trees. I have used them theoretically before using these two books which I'm pretty sure we will encounter in upper years; CLRS and Intro to Graph theory !

    Since we haven't been thought trees yet, I'm not going to go through What they are and the implementations! but as you get to learn it, your reaction at first might be(just like my first reaction); why go through so much trouble and implementing these nasty things? So I will link below an algorithm called "Red/ Black trees"! I recommend reading the Wikipedia link first "Baby click me please!" and then watch this tutorial type video "watch me"

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