Sunday, April 5, 2015

With every beginning there comes an end.

    Hi everyone. As this post's title suggests, this is going to be the last SLOG that I will write on for the CSC148 course. I feel like this course had an amazing impact on my knowledge of programming and although I was always interested in computer science and programming (well not always but for a few couple of years now) but this course really started to show me how cool programming can be, specially with our three joined assignments! I mean, you gotta admit, writing a game that can play smart moves is kinda awesome! There were lots of slogs that I checked regularly because of their good and helpful content. some of them which stood out from the others for me were ;
this SLOG
and this one
oh wait and this one

    I hope you who visited my SLOGs throughout this semester have found it useful and interesting. I want to wish you a good luck on the exams. study well. PEACE!

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